Dec 21, 2007

Nonostante tutto, ti penso.

A volte mi sembra un sogno, a volte mi sembra un'incubo.

Abbiamo avuto 'bassi' e 'alti', piu' bassi che alti, ma nonostante tutto ti ho sempre voluto bene, e a modo tuo, tu hai sempre voluto bene a me. Avrei voluto dirti tante cose, avrei voluto abbracciarti di piu' e magari volerti anche piu' bene - forse non l'ho fatto, o forse tu non mi hai lasciata. Adesso, con il passare degli anni, con la maturita' e avendo capita me stessa maeglio tramite le nostre esperience, tragedie ed episodi della vita apprezzo e ricordo solo cio' che porto dentro di me che e' in parte anche tuo. Se sono chi sono lo devo anche a te, ed e' attraverso me (e i miei fratelli) che teniamo vivo il tuo spirito, la tua gioia di vivere e il tuo amore per il tuo paese e la tua gente. Di questo io sono fiera.

Buon Natale, ovunque tu sia - da chi continua a volerti bene.
Tua figlia, Nina

Dec 19, 2007

This Time of Year

Around Christmas time it has become a tradition of mine to watch the movie “Love Actually”. I guess when I like something I seem to stick with it and this movie has certainly stuck with me - I love it! This time as I watch it I find a slightly different type of pleasure in it, perhaps is due to a different state of mind that enables me to see things differently and also the state of the heart which rules how I ‘Feel’, and of course this last one is the state that matters most :)

With that in mind I post this song [above]. It is the perfect song, the perfect scene and the perfect voice to describe my state of mind AND state of my heart.

Merry Christmas
Buon Natale
Geseënde Kersfees
Milad Majid
Natale hilare et Annum Faustum!
Feliz Navidad

Peace on Earth

Dec 18, 2007

Nov 24, 2007

Garfield says it best

Let’s face it, as a nation-no, as a species-we’re dumb and getting dumber. People are eating a big bowl of stupid for breakfast with a side order of folly. Just turn on the tube and watch some boob stick his tongue into a beehive. You’d swear Einstein was watching Fear Factor when he said: Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not so sure about the universe. I’m telling you, if aliens landed at our place, they’d report no intelligent life on Earth!

Telemarketer should start their calls with "May I speak to the moron of the house?".

Many people don't even seem to be able to think for themselves these days, we are versing thoughts and ideas that aren't even ours. We need instructions for everything these days, and we don't even attempt in figuring things out on our own.

I was browsing some pages on the net today and I stumbled upon this site and I read:

Let your extemporaneous descantings and unpremeditated expatiations have intelligibility and veracious vivacity, without rodomontade or thrasonical bombast. Sedulously avoid all polysyllabic profundity, pompous prolixity, psittaceous vacuity ventriloquial verbosity, and vaniloquent vapidity. Shun double-entendres, prurient jocosity, and pestiferous profanity, obscurant or apparent!!

Well, I had to use the dictionary several times! Suddenly I thought, “I love dictionaries!” Indeed I do, and I’d be lost without them. Dictionaries are a place where words live. Big words, little words, useless words and snazzy jazzy words.

DICTIONARY = Reference book containing words usually alphabetically arranged along with their forms, pronunciations, functions, etymologies, meanings, and syntactical and idiomaritic uses.

I’ve always been fascinated with BIG words. It’s always been easier for me to write than to speak when it comes to the use of this language that isn’t mine. I figure that if I can’t pronounce it, I want to at the very least know it. I’ve always found it somewhat sexy to hear someone use difficult, obscure ‘big’ words perhaps because it stimulates my brain and therefore other areas. I believe my brain is connected to the rest of my body. However, there is also much substance in simplicity which most of us have lost completely. In other words, it’s ok to talk plainly, briefly, naturally, sensibly and truthfully. Say what you mean; mean what you say.

Most people make finding happiness way too complicated. You don’t need to be rich, or handsome, or famous to find bliss. I’m sure somewhere there are poor, ugly, unknown people who are perfectly happy. For me happiness is sleeping through a Monday;) Or simply being in the company of my closest friends.

Speaking of ‘friends’, the Beatles song once sang, “I get by with a little help from my friends.” Without friends whom would we share our hopes, dreams with? While my best friends will always be me, myself, and I, I still need my ‘friends’. And while we may have our ups and downs, I wouldn’t trade my friends for anything, although I might be tempted by a 60” plasma wide-screen TV;)

I admit it; I’m a movie junkie. I love films of most genres mostly comedies, dramas, mysteries and documentaries, and even the occasional musical (Grease to name one). However I won’t mindlessly watch just anything. Luckily there are still a lot of fine films released every year.

There is also the occasional ‘love story’ which still gives us the ideal of romance we long for but don’t necessarily believe in anymore, that ‘gone with the wind’ kind of passionate love, or the ‘notebook’ type where you find eternal commitment to one’s heart. Love sweet love. What is the many splendor thing that conquers all, makes fools of us all and makes the world go round? More has been written about love than any other subject. Love can be characterized as anything from madness, to an itch to the heart or a pain in the brain. Love can be blind, it can be two hearts beating as one or song sung by two. It can even be a score of zero in tennis. Puccini’s song “nessun dorma” describes the powerful emotions of “love” like no other, and Pavarotti' voice delivers them flawlessly. All this stuff adds up to a headache for me. I prefer to keep it simple. I love my son, my family, my friends, my food and myself. Call it safe? I’d rather think of it as waiting to find that somewhere I have never traveled (ee cummings).

Life’s like that.

Oct 21, 2007


“This poem was voted the best children’s poem of 2005. It was written by an African kid."

When I born, I Black,
When I grow up, I Black,
When I go in Sun, I Black,
When I scared, I Black,
When I sick, I Black,
And when I die, I still black…

you White fellow,
When you born, you pink,
When you grow up, you White,
When you go in Sun, you Red,
When you cold, you blue,
When you scared, you yellow,
When you sick, you Green,
And when you die, you Gray…

And you call me colored???………

Sep 29, 2007

This thing called life

the most amazing thing happened to me tonight! I found a ladybug sitting on my computer. I SWEAR it is pure coincidence.

this 'also' prompts a "WOW".

La vita e' veramente bella:) Only in Marianna's Planet!


The little ladybug was suddenly inspired, as she jumps up with a smile on her face and runs towards the nearest softest flower she can find to fly into it with such compelling desire as if she can't get in it fast enough. She lays with joy and begins flickering her wings in slow motion, up and down, round and round. The motion of her wings is slow at first almost forming steady turning curves that grow faster to reach rhythmic dimensions. The ladybug's life becomes a volcanic eruption as she stares into the universe exclaiming: WOW!

The very happy 'little red sphere' flies away with a grin on her face ready to bring the next lucky person who she rests on some of her little-ladybug-luck:)

Gotta love ladybugs!

Sep 26, 2007

Little dots

We cross path we all kinds of people in the course of our life. Some become life long friends, some are in and out but leave an impact, some are gone, some you wish you never met, some are not even human and some you hide from;) (And it even rhymes.)

But the most irritating kind are the cocky ones. There is a clear line between confidence and cockiness, not to be mistaken with coccyx which is a recently added word to my ever so growing English dictionary, and I figure that the more I use a word the less likely I’ll forget it (my brain can only accumulate so much information) – as well the more you pronounce it the easier it rolls down your tongue (or is ‘over’ or ‘on’. Darn English).

Completely lost the point I was trying to make. Right, cocky! Arrogance is ignorance. I like to think that I’m a fairly confident individual and even if I weren’t I wouldn’t show it. However I’ve met people in the past who are overly confident, arrogant, critical and overall cocky (seems to be the word of the day). Why is it that the most incredible geniuses of our times were the most humbled ones? I don’t think education necessarily makes for an intelligent individual (though admittedly in some cases it helps). It’s obvious that it takes far more to make people ‘intelligent humans’.

By no stretch do I consider myself an intelligent human (in fact by some past events I often wonder if I came in contact with some of that ‘dumb ass’ virus often goes around) but at least I can ‘confidently’ say that I am without a doubt humanly intelligentJ

Hmmm, I really did have a point initially….

Sep 17, 2007

Tears instead of fuel....

this does not need an introduction. I just adore these guys, all three of them:)

Sep 10, 2007


I ran the clip from Juan Mann when he began his "Free Hugs" campaign in Sydney before it became a phenomenon world wide. I figure it's time to run it again in the hopes that more will be inspired and continue spreading the message of love with one another, regardless of age, color or race.

So go ahead "HUG", embrace one another and make sure to hug ME if you see me on the streets:)


Before you give/receive a hug you must take into consideration the position in which your partner is engaging you. This is very important. Observe how the person is embracing you so that you may respond in the best way. There are 4 possible embraces:
  1. Underhand: Your partner approaches you with his/her arms ready to wrap around your torso, under yours. This type of embrace is commonly undertaken by those who are smaller than you, though this is not necessary. Respond to this embrace with an Overhand:
  2. Overhand: The person approaches you aiming over your shoulders. This is evident by a certain characteristic move which looks sort of like a "dive", though it does not always present itself like this. It is common for someone who is taller than you to approach you with this embrace. This type of embrace is hard to master, and I'd recommend you only use it to respond to an Underhand.
  3. Cross (Right): Your partner approaches you with his/her left arm higher than the right. This will result in your heads tilting to your right, and having each other at your respective lefts. Only with Cross-type hugs can the position of your head be determined by the approach, the prior two don't give any insight into this, they may end up on the left or right (it is not always, however, that the position of the head can be determined in these types of hugs, but most of the time). The left arm will come over the shoulder, while the right arm goes under: this applies to both of you. This embrace is the most common one, and usually performed by two people who are about the same height. It is also recommended, since you may both cover the most area with your arms and get a tighter, better fitting grip on each other. Use this same embrace as a response.
  4. Cross (Left): Your partner approaches you with his/her right arm higher than the left. Your heads will tilt to your left, and you will end up at each other's respective rights. The right arm will come over the shoulder, while the left arm goes under. Respond with this same embrace.

So you have come together; since your bodies should be neatly fit into each other, there are only two things you need to keep track of at this point: your head, and your arms/hands.
  • Your head: Whether you have ended at each other's respective left or right, there are basically only two options for your head at this point: 1) Look forward, maintain your heads touching, and lay your chin on the person's neck lightly if you would like. 2) Burrow your head into your partner's neck, which conveniently seems to allow it to fit. This is most common between lovers. So please do not do this unless this is your partner! It is also common if you're being embraced while crying. Note that head positioning may be limited by the person who is hugging Overhand.
  • Your arms & hands: This is where it gets tricky for most people. Depending on what type of embrace you have given and received, the maneuverability of your hands will be dictated. Once again, it is best to share a Cross-type hug, so that both your head and arms get the most out of it. Depending on which type of embrace you are sharing, your arms/hands will be positioned in several ways:
    • With an Underhand embrace you may wrap your arms around the person's torso or lift them upwards so that they reach over your partner's shoulder. The latter is not recommended unless the hug is short and generally friendly; also, your hands would only be able to tap. If you wrap around the torso, you may lay one arm over the other, though it is better if you put one on top of the other (i.e.: from the back, "-" stacked arms, or "=" arms both on the back). You may rub with limited range and also pat.
    • With an Overhand embrace your arms will typically wrap around the person's head, though you may manage to drive them into the upper torso with a certain angle. This gives you limited maneuverability: you may rub with a very limited range, and pat.
    • In both Cross embraces, the arms and hands have the most freedom. Do not be afraid to touch the person's back: you're hugging, your partner will not be upset if you touch his/her back, in fact, (s)he will want you to. Do not lay your arms on top of each other, instead, cover some ground.

After you have embraced the person for a certain time, you may go on to move your arms and hands, and either "rub" or "pat". Rubbing consists of running your hands up and down his/her back, creating a very soothing sensation. Patting consists of just that: clapping your hands on his/her back softly. Take some time to take in the hug, however, before you rub or pat. It is actually not necessary to do either of these. Note that many people do not like pats, and many like rubs very much. You may now disengage and are complete with your hug. Ahh, breathe in all the air you were deprived of while your lungs were being squished. Great job!!!

There are many other things you can do while giving a hug. One of the simple ones includes lifting up the person if (s)he is shorter and lighter than you. Note that this only works if you have an Underhand hold on the person, or if you're engaged in a Cross-type hug. Do not try this if you engaged the person with an Overhand. If you have the person off of the ground and feel adventurous, you may try to spin him/her once or twice (make sure to have some space before you do this). There are countless other things you can do; experiment and always have fun!!!


Sep 3, 2007


As Vinnie and I were dancing in the kitchen last night to the notes of this song [above] he suddenly turned to me and asked: mamma, if you could have a super hero power what would it be? “INVISIBLE” I replied. He laughed in approval, “that way you can come visit me while I’m at school”. I nodded with a smile and kissed him.

September 4 - First day back to school. Where does the time go? Has the summer we’ve been waiting for already left us? The start of school has always marked the beginning of a new chapter, and this year is no exception. As I walk Vinnie inside the school I can see grins on the faces of other parents who high-five each other as they pass by; some cars slow down as they enter the school “drop-off” lane without coming to a complete stop and suddenly you see kids literally being pushed out of their vehicle followed by their bags;) It’s a war zone; people running like mad in all directions as if we're all holding time bombs; it's a race to see who can ditch his/her own kid the fastest – it gives a new meaning to the phrase: fleeing a scene. Today, no one is messing around; today is OUR independence day;)
Someone should make a musical about it, really.

I drove away from the school excited for my little man’s first day back but also smiling at the thought that I didn’t have to work (remember? Stat holiday). As I opened the door and entered MY Shangri-La my sweater slips off onto the chair and I begin to hop around my happy land freely while singing “I feel pretty….” (just as Natalie Wood’s character ‘Maria’ does in the movie “West Side Story”):
I feel pretty
Oh so pretty
I feel pretty and witty and gay
And I pity
Any girl who isn't me today
I feel charming
Oh so charming
It's alarming how charming I feel
And so pretty
That I hardly can believe I'm real
I feel stunning
And entrancing
Feel like running
And dancing for joy

Ha, I pity those who lack imagination!

(Have an awesome school year amore. TVTTTB.)

Sep 1, 2007

I don't usually have an obsessive personality but I am absolutely mesmerized by her [sexy] voice and I love her version of this song. I just can't seem to get enough of it.

Aug 31, 2007

You moron

Glenn got a call today from a mother who actually defended the right to have sex in a public washroom. Even more amazing, she said if her own kids were approached for sex in a bathroom she would tell them not too worry, it was NOT a big deal.

Now, I'm no saint and there is no denying that I like to live audaciously on occasion AND play daredevil, heck, I've always fantasized about "the elevator" BUT you've got to know your limits and you've got to use your brain (which as we know, many lack).

This definitely makes a case for creating a parenting license. Seriously, this woman is annoying as hell and makes no sense at all. Poor Glenn!

Here's the transcript from the Glenn Beck's show.


GLENN: Nicky in Bangor, Maine. You're on Glenn Beck program.

CALLER: Hi, Glenn.

GLENN: Hi, Nicky.

CALLER: What I found outrageous is I don't care if he solicited sex or not. What I found outrageous is that the police have nothing better to do than to stand in a bathroom waiting for someone to solicit sex from them. Are there not rapists and murderers and gangs out there that need to be dealt with

GLENN: You know, Nicky, I have to tell you something. If I am in a bathroom and I'm just a, you know, regular schmo and I'm going into a public space and I'm going into the airport and it is a and it's a rest room where gay men are having sex in it, that's something that the police should do. If I'm in a bathroom and straight people are having sex in it and it's known for a sex spot, why should I have to put up with that kind of behavior in a public space. Absolutely the cops should be there. You disagree?

CALLER: I disagree.

GLENN: You think you should have -- you should have a right to be subjected to people having sex in public spaces?

CALLER: I'm not saying that. I'm saying they have other things --

GLENN: What are you saying?

CALLER: I'm saying they have better things to do than to stand in a bathroom.

GLENN: Okay.

CALLER: An wait --

GLENN: I got it, Nicky, I got it. It's not like this is an isolated incident where they are just standing at any random bathroom. This is a bathroom that is notorious for people having sex in it. So do we just write this bathroom off and ignore the calls of complaints that have come in from people who are using the bathroom saying, this is disgusting; people are having sex in it. Do they just write it off and say, well, we have other things to do? Or do we go back to your other statement that says, no, I don't think I should be subjected to people having sex in public spaces? Which is it going to be for you, Nicky? Because you can only choose one.

CALLER: You know, but what I'm saying is don't the police have more things to worry about than --

GLENN: You have to answer my question, Nicky. You have to answer my question, Nicky. You have to answer my question. The question is --

CALLER: I don't care if they want to go out and have sex in the bathroom, you know? I don't care.

GLENN: Nicky -- okay. Then so you don't have a problem with being subjected with people having sex in bathrooms. So if you went into an airport and you had a couple of people that were having, you know, guy-on-guy, guy-on-women, women-on-women sex in the stalls next to you and you were flying and let's say you were flying with your children and your daughter had to go to the bathroom, you would say, I don't care that they're having sex; don't worry about it, honey. They're just people having sex, and you'd have no problem with it?

CALLER: Oh, so sex is illegal nowadays? Is it.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh, Nicky. Look at the hoops that you're jumping through to hold onto this idiotic argument of yours. Answer this question, Nicky. Yes or no. Your -- do you have children?


GLENN: Howell are they?

CALLER: 13 and 15.

GLENN: So your 13-year-old girl or boy?


GLENN: Do you fly anywhere ever?


GLENN: Let's just say you are going on vacation, you're going to Disneyland and you're in the airport and your 15-year-old daughter says, mom, I've got to go to the bathroom. And she goes to the bathroom and she goes into this bathroom at the airport and there's somebody in the bathroom, two women that are having sex with each other. And then somebody else, while your daughter is just minding her own business, somebody else slides their foot underneath the bathroom stall, rubs up against your daughter, looks at her through the crack, puts their hand underneath the stall, she leaves the bathroom, she comes out and tells you and you say to her what exactly, Nicky? You say, don't worry about it? It's their right to do that? Yes or no?

CALLER: A foot under a stall? I mean, --

GLENN: Yes or no, Nicky? Say don't worry about it, honey, it was just a foot under a stall, there were two women having sex in the bathroom, it was just a foot under a stall, somebody reaching out underneath and touching you, it's nothing to worry about, why are you complaining to me, it's their business? Yes or no? Is that your response?

CALLER: They're not soliciting for sex.

GLENN: Is that the response to your daughter, Nicky? Answer the question. Is that the response to your daughter, yes or no? Don't worry about it, honey; they weren't soliciting you for sex. It's their business if they want to have sex in there. Just do your business. Yes or no, that's what you say to your daughter?

CALLER: Yes, yes.

GLENN: You're a liar.


GLENN: You are a liar, Nicky.


GLENN: You are either that or you're a really bad parent.

CALLER: That's your opinion.

GLENN: Yes, it is. You're a really bad parent if you would send your 15-year-old into a room, in today's world, with everything that's going on. You let me ask you this. Let's see if you're also a sexist. If your 13-year-old son went into this rest room and there were two guys having sex and the -- your son comes out and says, there were two guys having sex in there, Mom, and then another guy looked through the door, made eye contact with me, then slid his foot underneath the door, reached his hand and tried to cop a feel at me, reached his hand out. Oh, my gosh, you then say to your 13-year-old son, nothing to worry about; they weren't soliciting you for sex. And if they want to have sex in that public bathroom, that's okay. Is that what you say to your son? Yes or no, Nicky?


GLENN: Oh, my gosh. Child molesters. Nicky, where are you from again? Bangor, Maine? You got yourself a parent that will close their eyes in Bangor, Maine. You know, sometimes all you have to do is provide people with rope. Here's the number. 888-727-BECK.

(OUT 10:45)

GLENN: Should we go back to Bangor, Maine and April? April, you're on the Glenn Beck, program.

CALLER: Hi, Glenn. I am absolutely appalled by Nicky.

GLENN: Yeah.

CALLER: I'm a home school mom and I live in the greater Bangor area and she's the kind of -- she's the reason why I guard my children like I do.

GLENN: You know what? Let Nicky be a lesson to all of us. That's exactly right.

CALLER: Right.

GLENN: There are just so -- you know what, there's a couple of things. First of all, I believe Nicky is the kind of person that if that actually happened to her daughter or son, she would be the first one that would go to the police, she would be the first one that would not -- that wouldn't stop at the police. She would be going to the airline and the airport and to an attorney and she would be suing these people for creating this kind of atmosphere and subjecting her son or daughter to that kind of nonsense in a bathroom.

CALLER: I agree. I agree 100%.

GLENN: Exactly right. Thanks, April. I want to play just this last question because this makes the quintessential point on why we're in the position that we're in. Listen to this and then I want to make a point. This is the last thing I said to her: If your 13-year-old son went into this rest room and there were two guys having sex and the -- your son comes out and says there were two guys having sex in there, Mom, and then another guy looked through the door, made eye contact with me, then slid his foot underneath the door, reached his hand and tried to cop a feel at me, reached his hand out, oh, my gosh, you then say to your 13-year-old son, nothing to worry about; they weren't soliciting you for sex and if they want to have sex in that public bathroom, that's okay. Is that what you say to your son? Yes or no, Nicky?


GLENN: Let me tell you something. She's lying here, either that or she's the dumbest person I've ever met. She's lying here and this is the quintessential problem with America. The problem with America today, and you can look at it from the Democrats or the Republicans, you can look at it all across the board at every level, in corporations, in families. People need their answer to be right. There is no room for, you've got to be right, you can't be wrong and so you will stick to that answer no matter how incredibly stupid and asinine it really is because your side has to be right. I made this point; I'm dying on that sword. Nicky, what a stupid sword to die on. We have got to start using our brains and when we start to see, "Oh, wait a minute, my answer is not right," you need to be able to stop and say, gosh, I'm sorry. Wow, I need to reconsider. I guess I was wrong here.


Aug 29, 2007

What the bleep do we (k)now?

I have not been able to get to sleep till the wee hours. This morning I had difficulties getting up – not sure why since I got an abundant 3 hour sleep (grrr).

Vinnie learned recently how to use our espresso machine and this morning when I finally managed to crawl out of bed there was a little cup of freshly made ‘caffe’’ waiting for me. Awwww! It didn’t end there. As he hands me the cup he says to me: mamma, you want to just have a relaxing day today?

THANK YOU GOD;) Someone up there really does love me;)

We have been going non-stop for a while and having a lazy day seemed the best option and I accepted the offer before he could change his mind and ask me to get the bikes. After a brief stop at my moms to help her with some papers Vinnie and I headed to the library and then the grocery store.

Once home (16:00) Vinnie retired in his room for a bit; I left on as little clothes as possible because I’m such an exhibitionist and then headed to the patio holding my new book “Feynman’s Rainbow”. I have a book on hold that has been recommended several times in the past and as recently as just a few days ago and it makes perfect sense that when I finally decided to get it the library has no copies of it. So while I’m waiting for “state of Fear” I find myself taken by the views of life AND physics. Contrary of what you might think the book is not primarily about the fundamental laws of nature or quantum mechanics or electrons – if it was I wouldn’t be reading it. The discovery of uncertaininty. Physics is a bitch!

No, the book has a different kind of magic, a journey of the heart and mind.

Immersed in my reading I am suddenly distracted by the noise of the patio door sliding open only to see Vinnie appearing and armed of his own reading material: two Simpsons’ comic books.

We both sat outside in silence and read for over an hour. UNA FAVOLA.

and I read: “So spoke an honest man, the outstanding intuitionist of our age and a prime example of what may lie in store for anyone who dares to follow the beat of a different drum.”


A total eclipse of the brain

Well, if you happened to have missed the lunar eclipse yesterday (or if you're one of the retards who stayed up today, Wednesday, because you heard it was happening THIS morning) you can see it by clicking the link below:

OOOooooooOOOOooooo, 'God' must've been laughing very hard UP there as he's watching me coming in and out of my deck staring at the moon with a vacant look. That's not funny! Somebody hit me now.

Aug 28, 2007

Joie de vivre

when your day starts with: 'good morning beautiful mamma!' and then follows by a sweet soft kiss on your cheek you're bound to have a pretty good day:)

I Love this song.....

Aug 24, 2007

Strawberry Fields Forever

As I was driving into work this morning I got stuck behind this car all the way through Shelbourne. The whole time I noticed that the woman driving in front of me kept playing with her hair. Twisting it “constantly”. Then she’d switch it up and use her right hand. It drove me nuts. Finally when I couldn’t take it anymore I pulled some of my “Marianna Andretti” skills and I able to pass her, ONLY to find her behind me a few minutes later….still playing with her hair. Arrgh.

What struck me a little later was “why was I so irritated by the woman’s obsession with her hair?” Now I’m not a judgemental woman but even I can find people irritating on occasion.

And that’s how wars start. I mean seriously people, if you thought that all the animosity and blood shedding is over a piece of land, some oil and/or Allah you are sadly mistaken.

Perhaps the key is to do as John Lennon did. Spark up a doobie and Imagine what it would be like if we give peace a chance and admit that all we need is love. Speaking of green I have recently heard at a lunch gathering that smoking Salvia (Latin for Sage) is what the kids do these days. These may be some of the effect to smoking/chewing sage:
• Uncontrollable laughter.
• Past memories, such as revisiting places from childhood memory.
• Sensations of motion, or being pulled or twisted by forces.
• Visions of membranes, films and various two-dimensional surfaces.
• Merging with or becoming objects (for example a Ferris wheel).
• Overlapping realities, such as the perception of being in several locations at once.

Ok, I have to say that all of those things happen to me without the injecting, smoking or chewing of any kind of herb.

A survey of Salvia users found that 38% described the effects as unique. 23% said the effects were like yoga, meditation or trance.

Did you know that the American Indians mixed sage with bear grease and used it to treat skin sores? Did you know that in the 1800 era of America, that folks used sage to help heal warts, epilepsy, insomnia, and measles? Did you know that in Germany, sage was used to treat sore throats, mouth irritations, and cuts and bruises? Some people believe that it lowers blood sugar.

Wow, makes you wonder what else you have in your house that not only will benefit to your health but also get you high at the same time. Who needs to go out anymore when I can whip up a plate full of greens and then move into the bathroom for a glass or two of mouth wash. Let's get this party started:) Woo hoo. (Yes, I’m a total retard.)

I’d like to talk about what’s been making the headline news lately (besides Britney Spears and Lindsey Lohan – dimwits): Michael Vick. Whom until recently I didn’t even know who he was. You would think that someone with that kind of success, fame and money would find a better way to entertain himself. I don’t expect him to do any kind of jail time or to be put to sleep (isn’t that what they do when Pitt Bulls attack humans?) but facing a $250,000 fine seems reasonable enough though he deserve to be inside the cage with the two Pitt Bulls and see how he likes it. Nonetheless [PETA fans stop reading right now], I still wonder why we keep breeding these type of dogs if they're created solely to attack and kill. Maybe it's because it's us 'humans' who continue teaching these animals to be violent. Maybe we're to blame.

Does anyone remember the cock fighting? When police seized 22 members of the House of Representatives, 12 members of the Senate, and more than 100 fighting cocks?

On a much lighter note, I read an awesome article yesterday as I was browsing The Onion and I encourage anyone who has a minute to read it because it’s very funny. Call it mindless escapism.

Till next time I suggest you keep your cocks from fighting and your Pitt Bulls from having sex.

Jul 22, 2007


I really should stop watching the news! The more I see the news the more I get angry, sad, disgusted and discouraged from humanity.

Recent headlines (on CNN):

A toddler high on ecstasy?
The little girl who’s allegedly two-years old is being fed ecstasy (or some kind of illegal stimulant) and those around her (two adults and six teenagers) are making fun of her, poking her, smacking her and laughing. Apparently this video was posted on youtube and that’s how word got out.

Have most people lost their minds?

Have we all become robots? Sheeps? Have we forgotten how to care about another human life?

This world has real problems that CAN be cured with money and time and devoted scientists...things like AIDS, cancer, malaria, and so much more. If you want to leave this world a better place, spend your money on those problems, not one that you just might end up making worse.

OK, let’s change subject and talk about something else.

There is a famous quote that reads: when you find a friend you find a treasure. That is because treasures are rare and if there is one thing I’ve learned in my 35 years of life is that the only one who will always, always have your back is your family. The ones who may not say “I love you” very often but they sure show it in times of need; the ones that may irritate you the most at times but who will jump in your defense if you are ever under attack; the ones who would never question your integrity or your being because they know you best and stand by you without ever doubting; they are the ones who would not hit you when you’re already down but actually remind you of all the positive that you are and lift you up.

So life is not always easy and we do come across some obstacles but we deal with them and we try to move forward – and we never forget those who held our hands during those times and believed in us – those who speak less and act more.

Jul 8, 2007

Ding a ling a ling

To my friend, brother Kasongo whom I miss very much.

I await the day when we can hug each other again.

Love always,

Jun 15, 2007

Making Memories

I really enjoy writing – hence the reason for having this blog. There is a thin line [in my opinion] between fact and fiction, and the only time we’re able to express ‘that’ is through words as you let your imagination explore the possibilities. The best part of it all is discovering, as life goes on, that you’re still able to dream.

I realize more and more that if you want to live in harmony with yourself and with others you must find a certain balance in your life. That’s not always an easy task of course because let’s face it, “humanly speaking”, most of us, on occasion, feel the urge to hurt something or someone, and it’s mostly stupid people! I am no Einstein, but when I do catch myself in the net of stupidity I do punch myself.

These past few weeks have been very pleasant and incredibly busy – I’ve been around a lot of happiness with some of my favourite people – some new, some old. I’ve met some incredibly interesting folks that I’ve been lucky to be spending time with. In one-way or another, I find there is always someone who can enrich your life. As humans, and being the most imperfect creatures on the planet, we often make mistakes (some bigger than others). We sometimes turn left when it’s clearly pointing right; we often see black when it’s obviously white (ha, that rimes!); but all in all we are having the ride of a lifetime (clearly) so we might as well try to steer ourselves where we can and not forget to put on our seatbelt where we can’t.

I often remind myself how quickly things can change and that each time I breath I should try and pretend that it’s as if I’m taking a sip of the most wonderful-fine-glass of Port, and as I let it dance inside my mouth it seduces my taste buds – feel the wave of pleasure and fulfillment as it goes down my throat, through my body and into my stomach.

Although I try very hard not to complain about daily “glitches” I do complain of lack of time more times than not. I find that my life often tends to be hectic and I don’t know why that is. When did life get so busy? I certainly enjoy it but at times I find myself running after time and always being a step behind. I never was very good at running;)

Of course I do eventually catch up (on occasion) and when I finally do I treat myself pretty sweetly and work very hard at restoring all my physical and spiritual needs. I think that the only way to keep sane in this insane planet of ours is to occasionally spend time with you – alone.

Every woman is a goddess.

I read a short poem recently and it read:

I thought I felt you
Early this morning
A whisper of a touch
Still lingers
A quickened heart beat
Still echoes
And sheen of dew on my lips
Still dampens
The taste of my day

Was it you?

I LOVE IT. That is awesome. I love poetry!

Accidentally I read my horoscope on the Onion a couple of days ago and it read:
Taurus - “Because of your unhealthy relationship with public transportation, counselors will spend months trying to convince you that the bus does not hit you because it loves you.”

I just find that to be pretty funny specifically because in all its absurdity I found some truth:)

Well, we have finally said our goodbyes to Tony and the rest of the Sopranos family. The final episode last Sunday certainly was bitter sweet, but in the end, I personally thought it was brilliant. I will really miss Silvio and Paulie, Carmela and Phil, and of course Dr. Melfi. Thank you Mr. Chase. Salute!

Hmm, I wonder how Paris is doing…

Open Your Eyes To The Beauty Around You, Open Your Mind To The Wonders Of Life, Open Your Heart To Those Who Love You, And Always Be True To Yourself.

May 10, 2007

As we flick the pages...

Again I ask myself how anyone is able to blog regularly! Then again others are likely to have much more interesting stories to tell than mine, although admittedly that would depend on the reader.

I begin with commenting on Chris Daughtry and his new hit called ‘it’s not over’ as I absolutely love this song. I like the lyrics of it and ‘his’ voice is happiness to my ears. Without mentioning the fact that I had the hots for Daugthry since his first appearance on American Idol I can confidently say that most women would agree with me that this man is absolute eye candy. Who said only men are visual!

On other topics…. does anyone ever wonder why “we” humans often choose to complicate life anymore than it already is? I’m not saying everyone lives like that but generally speaking the majority of people seem to apply that rule more often than not. Would it not be better and healthier for the whole planet if we could just try to be a little more ingenuous? Simplicity and innocence can sometime be a blessing. Personally I try to indulge on occasion, specifically because I find life to be a little sweeter that way and it works magnificently on mine.

One of my thoughts tonight as I rinsed my face was that in many ways I can be perceived as a slightly dysfunctional woman as I can occasionally be all over the place, disorganized, impulsive, and with no knowledge whatsoever over the use of filtering my thoughts before verbalizing them. I was also realizing that as a 34-year-old divorced-single-mom-babe raising an awesome seven-year-old boy, I am in fact, having the time of my life. Ok, not everyone has to agree with the “babe” description but this is MY blog and I can write whatever I want to!

Where was I? Oh yeah 34 year old babe raising an awesome boy:)

I may not be rich and not everything in my life is quite where I want it to be but I certainly consider myself a very lucky and overall happy woman. Clearly there is always room for improvements but at this very time I feel very blessed with my assigned seat on this ride we call life. I am convinced that we have the power to edit our own destiny but I’m also of the opinion that if you believe in a more spiritual sense you will also agree that perhaps a “written script” for you is already in place – you’re not necessarily the primary Writer if you will. Ah, I can already picture those who would argue with me on this, and I would be more than happy to debate my point.

If life were a painting right now I’d be looking at beautiful mimosa trees next to sparkling seas, quaint little outdoor cafes where soft, sweet music flows through the streets like a part of the very air you breathe. Starry nights filled with a familiar and transporting aroma making passionate history. And of course I’d be shining right in the middle of the painting, wearing a nice satin-white floating sun dress holding my earthy-brown sandals, and my long golden-brown hair would be flowing freely in front of my face blocking my view. Imminently I would walk into a pole, hit my nose and start bleeding all over my nice floating satin-white dress….
He he, totally ruined the painting didn’t I? I guess my poetry angle needs a little work;)

Speaking of poetry, I have to comment on the current Sopranos’ episodes. I can pleasantly admit that I am enjoying this last season very much so far, which is unlike last year's season as I was disappointed with how things went on. So far each episode has been very satisfying and it’s left me looking forward to the next episode every time. Now that’s some good writing Mr. Chase.

A few days ago on my way driving to work the song “It’s raining men” by The Weather Girls came on the radio and I quickly turned up the volume and started smiling. I believe the lyrics were oriented to “empower women” and this tune is audibly catchy and up-beat which make you want to run out of your car and enthusiastically start dancing in the middle of traffic while rain drops fall heavily on your face, hair, clothes… Until the cops show up and arrest me for indecent exposure and disturbance of the peace. Ha ha.

The important lesson in each one of our moments/days [the way I see it] is that we must remember to create a little happiness on our own and not expect others to do it for us, no matter how things are in actuality we should always be able to capture the positive and savour it without thinking too far ahead. I believe I’m doing just that, and it’s working ‘for me’ deliciously, at least for now.

What can I say, the ingenuous in me is able to often override the cynic and it allows me to continue to believe (and hope) that this planet of ours can improve - if only we tried, there could be more harmony. Never say never - I know that for a fact.

Apr 8, 2007

From Winter to Easter...

Well, we’ve certainly sprung ahead. We’re already into April - hard to believe, I know! Where does the time go (besides my ass)?

Much has happened since the start of 2007 – some I remember; some I don’t; and some I forget to remember (or is it remember to forget?) Most importantly... I’m still alive:)

Vinnie and I had a rough start of the year dealing with nasty bugs, then strep throat and closed off with bronchitis - all took place for part of January and most of February but we seem to be back to a healthier season again (tocca ferro).

Update on Benito

It has been a month since the adoption of Benito and he has certainly adjusted to the insanity level of this family. Of course this beautiful puppy was a gift to Vinnie (after months of begging from his part) and this is HIS dog, but somehow that simply means that I now have to take care of more chores around this house.

A couple of weeks ago Vinnie was next door playing outside with the neighbourhood kids and while Vinnie played and laughed and screamed a few feet away Benito sat on the patio with the saddest look ever. Needless to say, I dropped whatever I was doing and started playing tug with him. What a sucker! Now of course Benito and I play regularly and I have found a truly enjoyable pastime. I used to believe I had very little time to spare for anything else other than what was already on my plate, and now I have somehow managed to find time to feed the little pooch, take him outside, clean his crap, bathe him, brush him and play with him. There is a lesson to be learned here – just not sure what it is yet;)


Vinnie had a friend over for a visit yesterday. They played outside for quite a while and then his little friend decided he wanted to play video games and they came inside. Vinnie came in reluctantly but went ahead and set up the system in his room and then left. I had to laugh as I saw him come out in the living room as I’m cooking dinner with a book in his hands. He left his friend playing video games alone in his room while he sat in the living room and read “How God created man”. You have to know him to understand...Yup, that’s my kid. I love him so much. He craves constant knowledge and I'm so proud of him.

As moms it is our prerogative to be a little byist, but in my case, I really have lucked out. He has such a kind heart, incredibly funny and his generous nature makes me proud of this little man who makes my planet that much sweeter and that much sunnier. I’m not sure what we’ve done right but I am thankful…every day.

And the rest goes something like….

I hate to say it out loud but it feels like Spring has finally arrived and the air smells so much fresher. FINALLY. Everyone knows that I love this city but there is definitely something to be said about a warm, Spring, Roman night. The smell – the noise – the air you breath in has colors and music and it feels as if you have found your Shangri-La. I love Victoria and would not move elsewhere but I am also very patriotic and incredibly proud of my roots and where I come from.

My days are typical – driving while chocking on a tic tac (that’s my favourite); filling up the kitchen sink only to remember that I was filling it up in the first place when it’s obvious that I’ve flooded the house; frantically asking my mom where my bag is as I’m leaving her house HOLDING my bag on my back…..Ahhh, imagine what a treat I’ll be when I’m covered in grey hair (should I be lucky enough to get there).

On that note, one of my many random thoughts lately has been that one should plan their own funeral before they actually check out. Some might consider this to be a very morbid thought (and certainly not one that I would act out any time soon) but I on the other hand think one should consider the idea. I guess that if there’s going to be a party celebrating MY LIFE I should be there for it. Seriously – everyone writes/tells all these great stories about you only AFTER your time has expired- people speak lovingly and affectionately about you only after you’re gone…why? WTF??? Why not do it all when you’re still alive? I mean, I want to see who’s going to show up at my funeral, and what’s being said and who’s crying and who’s not. Besides, there are a couple of people whom I know will try to show up and I DO NOT want them at my funeral....l so why can’t I send out the invitations before the fact and let everyone know who's invited and who's not?

Alright, I’ll give it some more thought and come back with my funeral plans a little later, and I'll also work on the guest list....just in case.

Wrap It Up

All in all, ups and downs considered (thankfully mostly "ups) life is good and I am happy:)


Mar 29, 2007

Today is before tomorrow which is after yesterday

This song has such a happy, sunny, uplifting beat to it that it is difficult not to get sucked into singing along (even if you sound like me). The lyrics of it make it that much more cheerful and captivating. I remember this one day in particular some time after my divorce was official and I was.... cruising down Sunset Boulevard on a warm sunny Spring day, in my midnight-black, Italian-leather-interiors, high performance convertible Bentley Continental GTC...when suddenly I realized I felt exactly as the song sang. How cool is that I say:)

What follows is one of my favourite tunes accompanied by pretty savvy, real messages/images which describe....ME.

Mar 15, 2007

Keep yourself straight and clear and be a happy human being today

One of the things that struck me most when I first moved to Canada was the lack of human touch/affection people had towards each other. I found "most" (but luckily not all) people were cold and distant and if you accidentally touched them by patting their arm, leg or shoulder (which I seem to do a lot) while engaged in conversation their body language would quite clearly state the discomfort of that physical contact. There were times when my warmth and touch accompanied by my outgoing personality were misunderstood for sexual advances (I now automatically tell boys, and sometimes girls: I'm just a friendly gal, please keep your clothes).

In Tantrism, the first thing is having the experience of touch, of profound contact with things, with the universe, without mental commotion. Everything begins there: touching the universe deeply. Shouldn't that apply to humans as well? Is being affectionate and showing that affection by way of touch wrong?

I rather have melted ice cream on my lips than biting into a popsicle. I prefer that ice cream to be coconut...mmm, mmm, good!

Because we all need a little Zen
(I love the words of this poem and its sensuality)
Show me your mysteries, I'll show you mine

As we embark outside this space and time.

Clasping hands we'll join the dance divine,

Flowing gently toward eternal rhyme.
Tell me your fantasies, I'll tell you mine

Show me your ecstasies that flow as wine.

Together we'll reach the highest peak sublime,

Drinking deeply from the spring of time.
Try as we might...

So many chambers in which to dwell
To reach the heights...

From the bottom of the wishing well
With second sight...

How we ascend only time will tell
To the Temple of Living Light...

Far beyond heaven and hell
Bare your heart to me, I'll give you mine

Though all alone we might be flying blind.

Through embrace fire and ice entwine,

Surging and merging as the ocean tide.

Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.

We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out.

A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play; his labor and his leisure; his mind and his body; his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing, and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing. To himself, he always appears to be doing both.

Mar 14, 2007

For Once in my life

One of my favourite artist, and one of my favourite songs.

Mar 8, 2007


Well, here it is! The newest addition to the regal family, and his name is BENITO (what else would you expect?).

He's a "Tea-cup Shih Tzu", three months old, only weighs 8 lbs, incredibly soft and absolutely adorable.

I thought hard and long before adopting him. I even made a "pros" and "cons" list (just like I do with anyone I date. what? doesn't everyone?). In the end, I decided he would be a healthy addition to our family, and a healthy one to both Vinnie and me. (thank you Jon for giving me the push that I needed - and thank you for welcoming Benito along with me this afternoon. The queen will for ever be grateful).

Granted, most are aware of my "commitment issues" when it comes to anything (anyone) outside of Vinnie, and getting Benito was the scariest thing ever for me (I know....I'm sad) - however, breaking the pattern is exactly what I needed and I must say, it feels gooooooooood.

Of course, none of this would've happened if it weren't for Vinnie who's been begging for months to get a puppy. This cute ball of softness is technically his (Vinnie's). It is hardly possible to find the words to describe how it felt inside my body when I finally gave in and told Vinnie: "Ok, let's do it. Let's get a puppy". Vinnie's eyes opened wide and I've never seen such big smile on that cute face of his - it brought sunshine to my heart.

Who says changes are bad? I think changes can be very good, and I'm learning very slowly (baby steps) that it's ok to dive into the unknown, the uncertain, and to open yourself up to new possibilities.

Mar 2, 2007

Remembering a Kiss

[Mimmo, questa la dedico a te Stronzone. Bacioni dal Canada].

Is teenage love a different kind of love? I believe that teenage love is the first step to developing normal healthy relationships in the future. I've heard many people talk about how they have never forgotten their first love. Maybe that's because it taught them how to love? So perhaps teenage love is a steppingstone toward the paths we may choose in our lives. Love, whether new or old, is a way to share important things with a person you are close to and trust. We all need that, but I think teenagers need love more than anyone. Who else better to get love from than another teenager who's going through the same transitions that you are? Who's to say what kind of love is valid? All love is valid.

Mimmo may not exactly have been “my first” love but certainly one that captured me to the point that to date, the very memory of it still brings a smile to my face. And he turned out to be the only person, twenty some years later, who I continued to talk to.

I have fond, innocent memories of my teenage years growing up in Rome, and I find today that innocence is disappearing and I miss it. Kids these days are different. They talk about "hooking up"; sex indiscriminately with anyone without any emotional attachment. The norm at colleges; the norm before any actual relationship begins. I find it sad, reckless, empty and desperate. The days of searching for Mr. Right, of falling in love have taken back seat to gluttony.

After all these years, I still have a small flame that burns for my first crush. There's something magical about that. Few experiences will ever be as intense and overwhelming as your first crush. Mimmo was my first crush.

I was 14 and he was 16. The first time I saw him we were both at a local Discothèque in Sacrofano (Rome) and I remember asking my friend (Nayla): who is that? She replied: you don’t want to get involved with him - trust me. Ha, well needless to say that’s all I needed to hear – I definitely, without a doubt wanted to get involved with him:) From that day on I would try in any way possible to get to know him and I eventually did. As we spent time together I began dreaming and having thoughts of "happily ever after" poured through my innocent young mind.

Our story was not without complication (ha, story of my life). When I wanted him he had a girlfriend; when he wanted me, I had a boyfriend. But somewhere in between we managed to have a little love story of our own, and it was delicious. Over time we became great friends, and one thing I knew for certain, we truly cared about each other.

Mimmo and I had an innocent "crush", which involved passionate glances, passionate kisses and some touching (as far as I was willing to let him go OVER my clothes). Still, it was intense. I remember riding in the back seat of his VESPA and having my arms wrapped around him wishing the ride would never end; that I could find a way to be still in that very moment for ever. The sun kissing down on us, the wind blowing in our faces, and a few bugs to pick off our teeth later – how do you forget such moments? I still remember how his beautiful eyes would stare at my lips as he moistened his and he'd say I had the most beautiful lips...Ha, it worked every time;)

The one moment I have never forgotten was “that kiss”. One evening we were outside of this coffee shop where we all hang out regularly (Paola e Mino…I believe) and at that time he was seeing this girl (Monica). I had put my mind at rest that Mimmo and I were meant to be just friends and as he and I left our group of friends to take a walk that was exactly what we talked about - let's just be friends! As we turned around and started to walk back to our friends I felt this sudden pulling of my arm, he firmly turned me around and pushed me close to him and gave me one of the best kisses I have ever had (one that I’m willing to mention on here anyway). The world stopped! I felt such passion even though his lips were gentle and soft. I remember it so vividly to this day (Mimmo te lo ricordi?).

It’s amazing how little importance men put on kissing these days. The first kiss is something that women place a lot of importance on and may even base how far they let the relationship progress. Their thinking is that if you can't get that right, chances are you won't be able to get the rest right either.

A passionate kiss is lightning that hits you on the lips, and dumps a searing, white current through you...
10 tips to a perfect kiss (according to "" and I happen to agree):
1. Be alone (pretty straightforward here)
2. Have good breath (Always keep a pack of gum or mints in your car or in your jacket pocket)
3. Don‚t ask (Check her body language)
4. Take it easy (There is nothing that will turn a woman off faster than a guy who moves too quickly)
5. Touch her (while you kiss her, caress her body and feel her getting goose bumps)
6. Close your eyes (a great kiss is much more enjoyable when you are completely immersed in it)
7. Pretend she’s sleeping (gently awaken her sensual side)
8. Watch your tongue (Never shove your tongue down her throat - she might choke)
9. Don‚t slobber (Keep your saliva to yourself)
10.Pick your moment.

It's been scientifically proven that frequent kissing stabilizes cardiovascular activity, decreases high blood pressure, cholesterol and overall makes one's life better.

Benefits of kissing and why is Good for You:
- It helps prevent tooth decay
- It relieves tension
- It helps you lose weight
- It slows the aging process
- It increases fitness levels
- It’s a good indication of what’s to come
- It boosts self-esteem.

A passionate kiss is
when everything around you
turns to curling, churning napalm
and a silent wind rises up and blows it away;
the ashes it leaves behind are damp, though, like your lips.

A passionate kiss erases your memory of what has gone before the kiss,
removes all desire to know what will be after the kiss,
and lets you live out your life in the long moment.


I dedicate this to Mimmo, becasue after so many years, we have managed to keep in touch and though our lives are completely separate from each other we will always share some special teenage memories that after all these years, have kept us in contact and able to continue being (if in a small way) in each other’s life. And because of the obvious: he’s one of the few in my life that gave me a kiss worth remembering;)

So, pucker up people:)

Mar 1, 2007

13 Year Old Girl forced to Abort - Right or Wrong?

TURIN, Italy, February 19, 2007

An Italian judge ordered a 13 year-old girl to undergo an abortion, despite the girl's pleas to let her keep her child, reports the Italian news agency, La Stampa (original link:

The 13 year old girl, Valentina, had become pregnant by her 15 year-old boyfriend, however rather than let her choose to keep her child, her parents demanded she have an abortion on the grounds that she was ruining her life by becoming a mother."You cannot hold this child ... you must abort, and father will never have to know, ”Valentina's mother told her, saying that she did not have the money to support the child.Despite Valentina's repeated attempts to make her parents understand she wanted to choose to keep her baby, the case went to the Court of Minors.

Judge Giuseppe Cocilovo then issued the ruling to abort Valentina's child. Under Italian law, a minor may not decide whether to keep or abort her child, and may be forced by her guardians or parents to undergo an abortion. However, the abortion has meant nothing less than disaster for Valentina, who was confined to the psychiatric unit of Regina Margherita children's hospital in Turin after the abortion for wanting to commit suicide. “You have made me kill, and now I kill myself, I kill myself”, cried Valentina. "I do not want to be here," Valentina repeated. "I am not crazy, I am sick for what my parents and the judges have forced me to do."

The case of Valentina is an egregious case of forced abortion in Italy, where one would expect that a woman‘s “right to choose” would mean the possibility of choosing life. However, the silence of purportedly "pro-choice" feminist groups has been deafening thus far over 13 year-old Valentina's forced abortion, despite her very own choice that her body should carry life.

Obviously a 13 year-old is too young to be a parent, but why kill the baby? The baby is innocent....why not give the baby up for adoption and give him/her a chance to life?
This is not a single incident, this has happened and will continue to happen over and over again, not just in Italy but all over the world. Why? Someone I once knew briefly told me of a friend who had had not one, not two but THREE abortions. I'm not normally judgemental but after THREE abortions I'd probably have more respect for a pig. Though we all make different choices in life, right or wrong, I would hope that after one mistake (and not a light one) such as this you would have learned - but it's obvious these days the kind of weight we put on human life - none. I heard more than once: For the first three months you're pregnant it's NOT really a life you carry inside of you. I am repulsed every time those words come out of anyone's mouth. Every time I look into my son's eyes I see not just his life, but mine as well, and to me he was a life from the moment he was conceived.

There have been those who said to me: "If you've never been there, how can you firmly say what you would do?". No, I have never had to make such choice but that's because TO ME there is no choice to be made.

I had a friend back home who had an abortion when she was 21 and I held her hand the day she went to the clinic. I waited in the waiting room and I sat with her and offered her my arms and shoulder when she cried. That was HER choice, and I stood by her because I love her and because she is human. No one has a right to judge the choices you make in YOUR life. Me? I could not do it, and that is my choice.

Is it Murder?

8 Weeks Gestation

All essential organs have begun to form.
Elbows and toes are visible.
The fingers have grown to the first joint.
Facial features — the eyes, nose, lips, and tongue — continue to develop.
The outer ears begin to take shape.
Organs begin to be controlled by the brain.
The length is about 1/2 to 3/4 inch.

Here's a link to abortion photos. What do these pictures say about life and the choices we are making?
I was only able to see one or two photos and then I had to close the link just before I began sobbing uncontrollably.