An Italian judge ordered a 13 year-old girl to undergo an abortion, despite the girl's pleas to let her keep her child, reports the Italian news agency, La Stampa (original link: http://www.lastampa.it/Torino/cmsSezioni/cronaca/200702articoli/1641girata.asp
The 13 year old girl, Valentina, had become pregnant by her 15 year-old boyfriend, however rather than let her choose to keep her child, her parents demanded she have an abortion on the grounds that she was ruining her life by becoming a mother."You cannot hold this child ... you must abort, and father will never have to know, ”Valentina's mother told her, saying that she did not have the money to support the child.Despite Valentina's repeated attempts to make her parents understand she wanted to choose to keep her baby, the case went to the Court of Minors.
Judge Giuseppe Cocilovo then issued the ruling to abort Valentina's child. Under Italian law, a minor may not decide whether to keep or abort her child, and may be forced by her guardians or parents to undergo an abortion. However, the abortion has meant nothing less than disaster for Valentina, who was confined to the psychiatric unit of Regina Margherita children's hospital in Turin after the abortion for wanting to commit suicide. “You have made me kill, and now I kill myself, I kill myself”, cried Valentina. "I do not want to be here," Valentina repeated. "I am not crazy, I am sick for what my parents and the judges have forced me to do."
The case of Valentina is an egregious case of forced abortion in Italy, where one would expect that a woman‘s “right to choose” would mean the possibility of choosing life. However, the silence of purportedly "pro-choice" feminist groups has been deafening thus far over 13 year-old Valentina's forced abortion, despite her very own choice that her body should carry life.
Obviously a 13 year-old is too young to be a parent, but why kill the baby? The baby is innocent....why not give the baby up for adoption and give him/her a chance to life?
This is not a single incident, this has happened and will continue to happen over and over again, not just in Italy but all over the world. Why? Someone I once knew briefly told me of a friend who had had not one, not two but THREE abortions. I'm not normally judgemental but after THREE abortions I'd probably have more respect for a pig. Though we all make different choices in life, right or wrong, I would hope that after one mistake (and not a light one) such as this you would have learned - but it's obvious these days the kind of weight we put on human life - none. I heard more than once: For the first three months you're pregnant it's NOT really a life you carry inside of you. I am repulsed every time those words come out of anyone's mouth. Every time I look into my son's eyes I see not just his life, but mine as well, and to me he was a life from the moment he was conceived.
There have been those who said to me: "If you've never been there, how can you firmly say what you would do?". No, I have never had to make such choice but that's because TO ME there is no choice to be made.
I had a friend back home who had an abortion when she was 21 and I held her hand the day she went to the clinic. I waited in the waiting room and I sat with her and offered her my arms and shoulder when she cried. That was HER choice, and I stood by her because I love her and because she is human. No one has a right to judge the choices you make in YOUR life. Me? I could not do it, and that is my choice.
Is it Murder?
8 Weeks Gestation
All essential organs have begun to form.
Elbows and toes are visible.
The fingers have grown to the first joint.
Facial features — the eyes, nose, lips, and tongue — continue to develop.
The outer ears begin to take shape.
Organs begin to be controlled by the brain.
The length is about 1/2 to 3/4 inch.
Here's a link to abortion photos. What do these pictures say about life and the choices we are making?
I was only able to see one or two photos and then I had to close the link just before I began sobbing uncontrollably.
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