Well, we’ve certainly sprung ahead. We’re already into April - hard to believe, I know! Where does the time go (besides my ass)?
Much has happened since the start of 2007 – some I remember; some I don’t; and some I forget to remember (or is it remember to forget?) Most importantly... I’m still alive:)
Vinnie and I had a rough start of the year dealing with nasty bugs, then strep throat and closed off with bronchitis - all took place for part of January and most of February but we seem to be back to a healthier season again (tocca ferro).
Update on Benito
It has been a month since the adoption of Benito and he has certainly adjusted to the insanity level of this family. Of course this beautiful puppy was a gift to Vinnie (after months of begging from his part) and this is HIS dog, but somehow that simply means that I now have to take care of more chores around this house.
A couple of weeks ago Vinnie was next door playing outside with the neighbourhood kids and while Vinnie played and laughed and screamed a few feet away Benito sat on the patio with the saddest look ever. Needless to say, I dropped whatever I was doing and started playing tug with him. What a sucker! Now of course Benito and I play regularly and I have found a truly enjoyable pastime. I used to believe I had very little time to spare for anything else other than what was already on my plate, and now I have somehow managed to find time to feed the little pooch, take him outside, clean his crap, bathe him, brush him and play with him. There is a lesson to be learned here – just not sure what it is yet;)
Vinnie had a friend over for a visit yesterday. They played outside for quite a while and then his little friend decided he wanted to play video games and they came inside. Vinnie came in reluctantly but went ahead and set up the system in his room and then left. I had to laugh as I saw him come out in the living room as I’m cooking dinner with a book in his hands. He left his friend playing video games alone in his room while he sat in the living room and read “How God created man”. You have to know him to understand...Yup, that’s my kid. I love him so much. He craves constant knowledge and I'm so proud of him.
As moms it is our prerogative to be a little byist, but in my case, I really have lucked out. He has such a kind heart, incredibly funny and his generous nature makes me proud of this little man who makes my planet that much sweeter and that much sunnier. I’m not sure what we’ve done right but I am thankful…every day.
And the rest goes something like….
I hate to say it out loud but it feels like Spring has finally arrived and the air smells so much fresher. FINALLY. Everyone knows that I love this city but there is definitely something to be said about a warm, Spring, Roman night. The smell – the noise – the air you breath in has colors and music and it feels as if you have found your Shangri-La. I love Victoria and would not move elsewhere but I am also very patriotic and incredibly proud of my roots and where I come from.
My days are typical – driving while chocking on a tic tac (that’s my favourite); filling up the kitchen sink only to remember that I was filling it up in the first place when it’s obvious that I’ve flooded the house; frantically asking my mom where my bag is as I’m leaving her house HOLDING my bag on my back…..Ahhh, imagine what a treat I’ll be when I’m covered in grey hair (should I be lucky enough to get there).
On that note, one of my many random thoughts lately has been that one should plan their own funeral before they actually check out. Some might consider this to be a very morbid thought (and certainly not one that I would act out any time soon) but I on the other hand think one should consider the idea. I guess that if there’s going to be a party celebrating MY LIFE I should be there for it. Seriously – everyone writes/tells all these great stories about you only AFTER your time has expired- people speak lovingly and affectionately about you only after you’re gone…why? WTF??? Why not do it all when you’re still alive? I mean, I want to see who’s going to show up at my funeral, and what’s being said and who’s crying and who’s not. Besides, there are a couple of people whom I know will try to show up and I DO NOT want them at my funeral....l so why can’t I send out the invitations before the fact and let everyone know who's invited and who's not?
Alright, I’ll give it some more thought and come back with my funeral plans a little later, and I'll also work on the guest list....just in case.
Wrap It Up
All in all, ups and downs considered (thankfully mostly "ups) life is good and I am happy:)