Aug 31, 2007

You moron

Glenn got a call today from a mother who actually defended the right to have sex in a public washroom. Even more amazing, she said if her own kids were approached for sex in a bathroom she would tell them not too worry, it was NOT a big deal.

Now, I'm no saint and there is no denying that I like to live audaciously on occasion AND play daredevil, heck, I've always fantasized about "the elevator" BUT you've got to know your limits and you've got to use your brain (which as we know, many lack).

This definitely makes a case for creating a parenting license. Seriously, this woman is annoying as hell and makes no sense at all. Poor Glenn!

Here's the transcript from the Glenn Beck's show.


GLENN: Nicky in Bangor, Maine. You're on Glenn Beck program.

CALLER: Hi, Glenn.

GLENN: Hi, Nicky.

CALLER: What I found outrageous is I don't care if he solicited sex or not. What I found outrageous is that the police have nothing better to do than to stand in a bathroom waiting for someone to solicit sex from them. Are there not rapists and murderers and gangs out there that need to be dealt with

GLENN: You know, Nicky, I have to tell you something. If I am in a bathroom and I'm just a, you know, regular schmo and I'm going into a public space and I'm going into the airport and it is a and it's a rest room where gay men are having sex in it, that's something that the police should do. If I'm in a bathroom and straight people are having sex in it and it's known for a sex spot, why should I have to put up with that kind of behavior in a public space. Absolutely the cops should be there. You disagree?

CALLER: I disagree.

GLENN: You think you should have -- you should have a right to be subjected to people having sex in public spaces?

CALLER: I'm not saying that. I'm saying they have other things --

GLENN: What are you saying?

CALLER: I'm saying they have better things to do than to stand in a bathroom.

GLENN: Okay.

CALLER: An wait --

GLENN: I got it, Nicky, I got it. It's not like this is an isolated incident where they are just standing at any random bathroom. This is a bathroom that is notorious for people having sex in it. So do we just write this bathroom off and ignore the calls of complaints that have come in from people who are using the bathroom saying, this is disgusting; people are having sex in it. Do they just write it off and say, well, we have other things to do? Or do we go back to your other statement that says, no, I don't think I should be subjected to people having sex in public spaces? Which is it going to be for you, Nicky? Because you can only choose one.

CALLER: You know, but what I'm saying is don't the police have more things to worry about than --

GLENN: You have to answer my question, Nicky. You have to answer my question, Nicky. You have to answer my question. The question is --

CALLER: I don't care if they want to go out and have sex in the bathroom, you know? I don't care.

GLENN: Nicky -- okay. Then so you don't have a problem with being subjected with people having sex in bathrooms. So if you went into an airport and you had a couple of people that were having, you know, guy-on-guy, guy-on-women, women-on-women sex in the stalls next to you and you were flying and let's say you were flying with your children and your daughter had to go to the bathroom, you would say, I don't care that they're having sex; don't worry about it, honey. They're just people having sex, and you'd have no problem with it?

CALLER: Oh, so sex is illegal nowadays? Is it.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh, Nicky. Look at the hoops that you're jumping through to hold onto this idiotic argument of yours. Answer this question, Nicky. Yes or no. Your -- do you have children?


GLENN: Howell are they?

CALLER: 13 and 15.

GLENN: So your 13-year-old girl or boy?


GLENN: Do you fly anywhere ever?


GLENN: Let's just say you are going on vacation, you're going to Disneyland and you're in the airport and your 15-year-old daughter says, mom, I've got to go to the bathroom. And she goes to the bathroom and she goes into this bathroom at the airport and there's somebody in the bathroom, two women that are having sex with each other. And then somebody else, while your daughter is just minding her own business, somebody else slides their foot underneath the bathroom stall, rubs up against your daughter, looks at her through the crack, puts their hand underneath the stall, she leaves the bathroom, she comes out and tells you and you say to her what exactly, Nicky? You say, don't worry about it? It's their right to do that? Yes or no?

CALLER: A foot under a stall? I mean, --

GLENN: Yes or no, Nicky? Say don't worry about it, honey, it was just a foot under a stall, there were two women having sex in the bathroom, it was just a foot under a stall, somebody reaching out underneath and touching you, it's nothing to worry about, why are you complaining to me, it's their business? Yes or no? Is that your response?

CALLER: They're not soliciting for sex.

GLENN: Is that the response to your daughter, Nicky? Answer the question. Is that the response to your daughter, yes or no? Don't worry about it, honey; they weren't soliciting you for sex. It's their business if they want to have sex in there. Just do your business. Yes or no, that's what you say to your daughter?

CALLER: Yes, yes.

GLENN: You're a liar.


GLENN: You are a liar, Nicky.


GLENN: You are either that or you're a really bad parent.

CALLER: That's your opinion.

GLENN: Yes, it is. You're a really bad parent if you would send your 15-year-old into a room, in today's world, with everything that's going on. You let me ask you this. Let's see if you're also a sexist. If your 13-year-old son went into this rest room and there were two guys having sex and the -- your son comes out and says, there were two guys having sex in there, Mom, and then another guy looked through the door, made eye contact with me, then slid his foot underneath the door, reached his hand and tried to cop a feel at me, reached his hand out. Oh, my gosh, you then say to your 13-year-old son, nothing to worry about; they weren't soliciting you for sex. And if they want to have sex in that public bathroom, that's okay. Is that what you say to your son? Yes or no, Nicky?


GLENN: Oh, my gosh. Child molesters. Nicky, where are you from again? Bangor, Maine? You got yourself a parent that will close their eyes in Bangor, Maine. You know, sometimes all you have to do is provide people with rope. Here's the number. 888-727-BECK.

(OUT 10:45)

GLENN: Should we go back to Bangor, Maine and April? April, you're on the Glenn Beck, program.

CALLER: Hi, Glenn. I am absolutely appalled by Nicky.

GLENN: Yeah.

CALLER: I'm a home school mom and I live in the greater Bangor area and she's the kind of -- she's the reason why I guard my children like I do.

GLENN: You know what? Let Nicky be a lesson to all of us. That's exactly right.

CALLER: Right.

GLENN: There are just so -- you know what, there's a couple of things. First of all, I believe Nicky is the kind of person that if that actually happened to her daughter or son, she would be the first one that would go to the police, she would be the first one that would not -- that wouldn't stop at the police. She would be going to the airline and the airport and to an attorney and she would be suing these people for creating this kind of atmosphere and subjecting her son or daughter to that kind of nonsense in a bathroom.

CALLER: I agree. I agree 100%.

GLENN: Exactly right. Thanks, April. I want to play just this last question because this makes the quintessential point on why we're in the position that we're in. Listen to this and then I want to make a point. This is the last thing I said to her: If your 13-year-old son went into this rest room and there were two guys having sex and the -- your son comes out and says there were two guys having sex in there, Mom, and then another guy looked through the door, made eye contact with me, then slid his foot underneath the door, reached his hand and tried to cop a feel at me, reached his hand out, oh, my gosh, you then say to your 13-year-old son, nothing to worry about; they weren't soliciting you for sex and if they want to have sex in that public bathroom, that's okay. Is that what you say to your son? Yes or no, Nicky?


GLENN: Let me tell you something. She's lying here, either that or she's the dumbest person I've ever met. She's lying here and this is the quintessential problem with America. The problem with America today, and you can look at it from the Democrats or the Republicans, you can look at it all across the board at every level, in corporations, in families. People need their answer to be right. There is no room for, you've got to be right, you can't be wrong and so you will stick to that answer no matter how incredibly stupid and asinine it really is because your side has to be right. I made this point; I'm dying on that sword. Nicky, what a stupid sword to die on. We have got to start using our brains and when we start to see, "Oh, wait a minute, my answer is not right," you need to be able to stop and say, gosh, I'm sorry. Wow, I need to reconsider. I guess I was wrong here.


Aug 29, 2007

What the bleep do we (k)now?

I have not been able to get to sleep till the wee hours. This morning I had difficulties getting up – not sure why since I got an abundant 3 hour sleep (grrr).

Vinnie learned recently how to use our espresso machine and this morning when I finally managed to crawl out of bed there was a little cup of freshly made ‘caffe’’ waiting for me. Awwww! It didn’t end there. As he hands me the cup he says to me: mamma, you want to just have a relaxing day today?

THANK YOU GOD;) Someone up there really does love me;)

We have been going non-stop for a while and having a lazy day seemed the best option and I accepted the offer before he could change his mind and ask me to get the bikes. After a brief stop at my moms to help her with some papers Vinnie and I headed to the library and then the grocery store.

Once home (16:00) Vinnie retired in his room for a bit; I left on as little clothes as possible because I’m such an exhibitionist and then headed to the patio holding my new book “Feynman’s Rainbow”. I have a book on hold that has been recommended several times in the past and as recently as just a few days ago and it makes perfect sense that when I finally decided to get it the library has no copies of it. So while I’m waiting for “state of Fear” I find myself taken by the views of life AND physics. Contrary of what you might think the book is not primarily about the fundamental laws of nature or quantum mechanics or electrons – if it was I wouldn’t be reading it. The discovery of uncertaininty. Physics is a bitch!

No, the book has a different kind of magic, a journey of the heart and mind.

Immersed in my reading I am suddenly distracted by the noise of the patio door sliding open only to see Vinnie appearing and armed of his own reading material: two Simpsons’ comic books.

We both sat outside in silence and read for over an hour. UNA FAVOLA.

and I read: “So spoke an honest man, the outstanding intuitionist of our age and a prime example of what may lie in store for anyone who dares to follow the beat of a different drum.”


A total eclipse of the brain

Well, if you happened to have missed the lunar eclipse yesterday (or if you're one of the retards who stayed up today, Wednesday, because you heard it was happening THIS morning) you can see it by clicking the link below:

OOOooooooOOOOooooo, 'God' must've been laughing very hard UP there as he's watching me coming in and out of my deck staring at the moon with a vacant look. That's not funny! Somebody hit me now.

Aug 28, 2007

Joie de vivre

when your day starts with: 'good morning beautiful mamma!' and then follows by a sweet soft kiss on your cheek you're bound to have a pretty good day:)

I Love this song.....

Aug 24, 2007

Strawberry Fields Forever

As I was driving into work this morning I got stuck behind this car all the way through Shelbourne. The whole time I noticed that the woman driving in front of me kept playing with her hair. Twisting it “constantly”. Then she’d switch it up and use her right hand. It drove me nuts. Finally when I couldn’t take it anymore I pulled some of my “Marianna Andretti” skills and I able to pass her, ONLY to find her behind me a few minutes later….still playing with her hair. Arrgh.

What struck me a little later was “why was I so irritated by the woman’s obsession with her hair?” Now I’m not a judgemental woman but even I can find people irritating on occasion.

And that’s how wars start. I mean seriously people, if you thought that all the animosity and blood shedding is over a piece of land, some oil and/or Allah you are sadly mistaken.

Perhaps the key is to do as John Lennon did. Spark up a doobie and Imagine what it would be like if we give peace a chance and admit that all we need is love. Speaking of green I have recently heard at a lunch gathering that smoking Salvia (Latin for Sage) is what the kids do these days. These may be some of the effect to smoking/chewing sage:
• Uncontrollable laughter.
• Past memories, such as revisiting places from childhood memory.
• Sensations of motion, or being pulled or twisted by forces.
• Visions of membranes, films and various two-dimensional surfaces.
• Merging with or becoming objects (for example a Ferris wheel).
• Overlapping realities, such as the perception of being in several locations at once.

Ok, I have to say that all of those things happen to me without the injecting, smoking or chewing of any kind of herb.

A survey of Salvia users found that 38% described the effects as unique. 23% said the effects were like yoga, meditation or trance.

Did you know that the American Indians mixed sage with bear grease and used it to treat skin sores? Did you know that in the 1800 era of America, that folks used sage to help heal warts, epilepsy, insomnia, and measles? Did you know that in Germany, sage was used to treat sore throats, mouth irritations, and cuts and bruises? Some people believe that it lowers blood sugar.

Wow, makes you wonder what else you have in your house that not only will benefit to your health but also get you high at the same time. Who needs to go out anymore when I can whip up a plate full of greens and then move into the bathroom for a glass or two of mouth wash. Let's get this party started:) Woo hoo. (Yes, I’m a total retard.)

I’d like to talk about what’s been making the headline news lately (besides Britney Spears and Lindsey Lohan – dimwits): Michael Vick. Whom until recently I didn’t even know who he was. You would think that someone with that kind of success, fame and money would find a better way to entertain himself. I don’t expect him to do any kind of jail time or to be put to sleep (isn’t that what they do when Pitt Bulls attack humans?) but facing a $250,000 fine seems reasonable enough though he deserve to be inside the cage with the two Pitt Bulls and see how he likes it. Nonetheless [PETA fans stop reading right now], I still wonder why we keep breeding these type of dogs if they're created solely to attack and kill. Maybe it's because it's us 'humans' who continue teaching these animals to be violent. Maybe we're to blame.

Does anyone remember the cock fighting? When police seized 22 members of the House of Representatives, 12 members of the Senate, and more than 100 fighting cocks?

On a much lighter note, I read an awesome article yesterday as I was browsing The Onion and I encourage anyone who has a minute to read it because it’s very funny. Call it mindless escapism.

Till next time I suggest you keep your cocks from fighting and your Pitt Bulls from having sex.